International Travel & Health Insurance Conferences
ITIC Global

Where to stay during ITIC Global

Where to stay during ITIC Global

Conference Venue: Hilton Vienna Park Hotel

ITIC Global will set up home at the Hilton Vienna Park Hotel, adjacent to the beautiful Stadtpark. Enjoy a comfortable room a few steps away from the hectic networking area!


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Once registered to attend ITIC Global, you can take advantage of a special ITIC rate to stay at the conference venue.

The Hilton Vienna Park is offering an exclusive rate for ITIC guests, from €249 per room per night, inclusive of breakfast and taxes, subject to availability.

Stay at the Hilton Vienna Park Hotel

A central Viennese location to make the most of your time in Austria

Hilton Vienna Park Hotel

Am Stadtpark 1

1030 Wein

Vienna, Austria