ITIC Global 2021ITIC Global 2021Madrid, Spain
ITIC Global 2021 saw the ITIC community return to face to face networking after an 18 month hiatus for a fantastic week of networking and discussion.
attendees 5
days 1
Global marketplace 
ITIC Global 2021Madrid, Spain
ITIC Global 2021 saw the ITIC community return to face to face networking after an 18 month hiatus for a fantastic week of networking and discussion.
Global marketplace

The 29th annual ITIC Global conference marked our return to face-to-face networking events after an 18-month hiatus. We were delighted to bring together more than 450 travel insurance sector leaders from around the world once again in Madrid for 5 days of business development and collaborative thinking. As always, speakers tackled the key issues facing our sector, which meant the impact of Covid-19 and the way we adapt was the focus of many discussions. The ITIJ team were reporting from the event and you can read their quick takes from each session at the Read the Review link.