With 2020 being sure to go down in history as one of the most difficult years ever for international medical assistance providers, it was clear to the ITIC team that our annual Medical Directors’ Forum should be on the agenda at the virtual ITIC Global conference.
The Medical Directors’ Forum offers your organisation the opportunity to review clinically challenging cases with your international peers, particularly those where treatment decisions were controversial. Whatever the outcome, your case may help the industry learn from your team’s experiences.
We are delighted to confirm Dr Vanya Gant and Dr Charlie Easmon will co-chair the discussions at this year’s Medical Directors Forum on Tuesday 3 November, 13:00 GMT on the first day of ITIC Connected.
They will lead discussions to allow medical directors from across sectors and around the world to exchange best practice protocols, share lessons learned, and discuss how the global medical assistance industry can come out of the Covid-19 pandemic with stronger customer solutions that enable great patient care and balance the books.
Read ITIJ’s review of last year’s Medical Directors’ Forum here
How to participate in the Medical Directors’ Forum
If you would like to share a case for discussion at the Medical Directors Forum, please email info@itic.co to provide a short synopsis of the case you would like to review by Wednesday 28 October 2020.
Register for ITIC Connected to participate in the Medical Directors’ Forum, connect with international colleagues and share insights from across all sectors of the travel insurance industry.
Chairing the Medical Directors’ Forum at ITIC Connected

Dr Vanya Gant is Divisional Clinical Director for Infection and the United Kingdom’s Hospital for Tropical Diseases at University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in London. He oversees a very busy Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine In- and Out-patient service, and acts as a tertiary National and International Referral Centre for Tropical Diseases, supported by the UK’s National Reference Parasitology and Malaria Laboratories. When not working he rides fast bikes and cars, flies paragliders and is a dance music DJ.

Dr Easmon trained at St George’s. London. He did his elective in Ghana (his country of birth) and has since worked with, among others, Merlin, Raleigh International and Save the Children in Rwanda. His experience in travel medicine and public health was gained through medical evacuations, working abroad and stints at the Hospital for Tropical Disease’s travel clinic. He enjoyed several years on the board of the British Travel Health Association and is one of the few UK medical practitioners to have obtained the International Certificate in Travel Health from the International Society of Travel Health. He has built his own private medical business over the last 10 years, and counts 12 per cent of the FT100 amongst his clients. The current business is called Your Excellent Health Service www.yourexcellenthealth.co.uk and is based at 1 Harley Street.