We spoke with the Medical Directors’ Forum Co-Chair, Dr Bettina Vadera about this year’s new format which will focus on the aeromedical transport of patients with psychiatric conditions.
Why the spotlight on one topic at the Medical Directors’ Forum at ITIC Global this year? Why this topic?
The Medical Directors’ Forum at ITIC Global 2022 is a unique opportunity that brings together a respectable group of global medical professionals. While it has always been interesting and valuable to exchange aeromedical patient transport experiences in this forum, the topics presented in one session were usually too many and discussions ended without real conclusions or outcomes. Targeting one issue will streamline the case presentations and hopefully lead to a more in-depth discussion that will result in a better understanding of the implications and allow the forum to draw conclusions and provide recommendations. Focussing on one subject also means that we can include a specialist from that field to share an expert opinion.
When we first thought of narrowing the forum down to one topic, Dr Alex Veldman and I reached out to some of the Medical Directors in the industry to get their suggestions. The aeromedical transport of patients with psychiatric conditions was one of the suggestions. It is an interesting, multifaceted topic that is not discussed very often, yet it is quite complex. Apart from the medical challenges of transporting a patient with a psychiatric condition by air ambulance or on a commercial airline, there is also a legal side to it. This will just be the first topic in a series of many others to follow.
Tell us more about what you hope the position paper will help the industry achieve
The medical expertise brought together by the forum is impressive and unique, but the Medical Directors’ Forum has no official mandate. So the best we can do for now is to capture the outcome of the session in a position paper, highlighting the “best practice” approach as concluded and recommended by the professionals of the forum. With the support of ITIJ, we hope to share this knowledge within the industry to make a start in standardising the quality of aeromedical care for a particular patient group.
What do you enjoy about chairing the forum? What are the benefits of participating?
It is less about chairing the forum for me, but more about the pleasure to engage with colleagues from around the globe on important matters of aeromedical patient transport. As it is, aeromedical patient transport is a small, highly specialised medical niche and there are not many opportunities where you can find yourself in one room with what can probably be considered some of the world’s experts in this field. In my view, the MDF is a unique opportunity for Medical Director’s of Air Ambulance Services, medical insurance and assistance organisations to come together, learn from each other and agree on standards in what is largely an unregulated area of medical service provision.
What do you think attendees can learn from attending?
As explained earlier, the aeromedical transport of patients with psychiatric disorders is a special challenge where not only medical but also organisational and legal aspects have to be considered. Whether a patient with a psychiatric condition is transported by air ambulance or on a commercial airline, the same considerations apply. In view of the complexity of the issue, case presentations will highlight some of the real-life challenges that we will review and discuss, while a legal expert will be able to shed more light on the juridical aspects. Attendees will definitely gain a better understanding of the implications to transport a patient with a psychiatric disorder by air.
The new format will include a short presentation by a specialised professional in line with the theme, followed by three to four thematic cases presented by the companies performing these medical transport missions. All presenters will become co-authors of a position paper that will subsequently be published in ITIJ. In addition to the case presentations, a legal expert will join the forum to shed some light on the judicial framework of such missions.
We are inviting submissions for cases to be presented at the Medical Directors’ Forum at the upcoming ITIC Global conference in Athens. Do you have an interesting case which tested your team’s capabilities that you would like to share?
How to participate in the ITIC Global 2022 Medical Directors’ Forum
Register for ITIC Global to participate in the Medical Directors’ Forum and connect with international colleagues and share insights from across all sectors of the travel insurance industry.
Submission guidance
If you would like to share a case for discussion at the Medical Directors Forum, please submit a short abstract (15 slides or 750 words max.) of an interesting mission you’ve completed, by Monday 26 September. We are specifically seeking case studies from air ambulance operators and medical escort companies performing repatriations onboard commercial airlines to highlight the complete spectrum of these complex issues.
All submissions will be considered for relevance to the topic, and participation will be determined by Dr Vadera and Dr Veldman. Presenters will be informed of their place by Friday 30 September.
Chairing the Medical Directors’ Forum at ITIC Global 2022

Dr Bettina Vadera
Chief Medical Advisor, AMREF Flying Doctors | Auditor, EURAMI
Specialised in Emergency Medicine and Tropical Medicine from Germany, Dr.Bettina Vadera joined AMREF Flying Doctors (AFD) in Nairobi, Kenya, where she worked for 21 years as a Flight Physician, Medical Director and later Chief Executive Officer. Under her leadership, the organisation moved from a programme within the humanitarian Health Organisation Amref Health Africa (AHA) to a successful, widely respected air ambulance company that owns a fleet of dedicated air ambulance aircraft and provides high level regional and intercontinental aeromedical patient transport.
Bettina moved to Berlin, Germany in July 2020 where she continues to support AMREF Flying Doctors as Chief Medical Advisor. She is also an auditor for EURAMI.