Over the last few weeks, we’ve received an increasing number of enquiries about whether ITIC Global will go ahead in October. The answer to that is a resounding Yes!
It’s happening!
ITIC Global 2021 will be held in Madrid, Spain, from 31st October to 4th November in the Riu Hotel, Plaza Espana. We know how vital ITIC events are to encourage engagement and build relationships with your providers, so come join us and be reunited with peers and colleagues in the international travel and health insurance industry.
It’s Covid safe
We are adhering to all national health and safety guidelines, and have worked hard with the hotel to keep our event as safe as possible for you. Masks, social distancing and hand gel will be standard; more information on Covid protocols at the conference venue can be found here.
Agenda is ready to go
The ITIC Team has developed an agenda that covers a spectrum of topics relevant to our industry, with Covid taking top billing as we evaluate how the industry reacted to this seismic shift in risk and customer expectations. Expert speakers in assistance and air ambulance medicine, travel risk management, and international healthcare provision, will also be sharing their insights.
Get networking
The ITIC Madrid App is being freshened up and will be ready shortly, so you can build those all important connections before you get to Madrid, and organise your meetings for when you’re there.
People are keen to travel again as countries open up their borders, and the outlook is very positive at the moment. And with this, the international travel and health insurance industry is also starting to dust itself off and wind up again.
We look forward to a return to the new normal and to seeing you all in Madrid in October.

Please drop us an email if you would like help with your registration or have any questions about our upcoming events.