ITIC UK is just around the corner! We recently spoke with Phil Denman, who is on our ITIC UK planning committee about the travel insurance industry and the opportunities for companies who embrace the demand for tech-powered modernised products
How long have you worked in the industry, and what do you most enjoy about it?
I’ve been in and around travel insurance for over 30 years. The people are great. The global nature and complexity of the class means that it attracts people of different personalities and outlooks. I love the texture that provides.
How long have you been attending ITIC UK? What do you value about the event?
Maybe 20 years? Not sure!!! I think since ITIC International has become such a global affair the UK conference allows us to delve that little bit deeper into the issues that affect the UK…..as a travel insurance geek I like my conferences to have a real technical side.
What are the most important obstacles still facing the travel and international health insurance sector from your perspective?
Obstacles is a strong word. In terms of challenges, I would say technology is a blessing and a curse in that it can deliver incredible gains across the market but at the same time does seem to empower an ever-smaller number of larger, globalised entities. Regulation compounds this by disproportionately affecting smaller players and their ability to compete. I believe that effective markets need different types of players to be competitive and deliver for customers.
Which sessions are you most looking forward to attending at ITIC UK?
Consumer expectations is a key area. How can we demonstrate value if our customers don’t understand what value looks like? As an industry, we have a lot of work to do in terms of communicating the value proposition for our products.
Are you confident in the ability of suppliers to the travel insurance sector to meet the changing and increasing demands from customers around the world?
Totally confident. There are some great incumbent providers and a new breed coming through that will challenge the status quo. I do think the products need to be modernised – we haven’t really seen any genuine, game-changing innovation for far too long a time. Many closely resemble the ones I saw back in 1991!! We have all become far too risk-averse and that stifles innovation.
What business development opportunities are there in your region for the travel and international health insurance industry?
Embedded insurance is an interesting one. I’ve witnessed 25 years in the UK of government, HMRC and regulators wanting us to un-embed insurance. We now have a tech-powered investor community pushing the other way. I see huge opportunities for real collaboration between stakeholders who can get product, technology and channel characteristics working in harmony. That isn’t easy and I don’t see many examples of best practice….for those that can get it right the sky’s the limit.

Phil Denman,
Managing Director – Healix Insurance Services Ltd

ITIC UK is a regional gathering of the travel and health insurance community. It’s where you can connect with like-minded strategic partners and catch up with colleagues, hear from insightful speakers and join discussions that shape the future of our industry. ITIC UK 2022 is taking place in Cardiff on the 28 April at the voco St David’s Cardiff Hotel
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