These are challenging times. Times in which many of us are reflecting on the past, and these acts of remembrance are especially poignant at the moment as we pause to give thanks to those who gave so much to secure peace and freedom in Europe.
Last week we commemorated VE Day 75 here in the UK and we had planned to do so with our colleagues from across the UK travel insurance sector at the close of our ITIC UK annual conference.
ITIC UK has come to represent to us the values that are at the very heart of what we try to achieve with each event we create. The conference has become a true reunion of peers and industry collaborators who work together across sectors for a better future for our industry and a platform for connections that began at a conference but now span many decades, roles and regions.
Although we couldn’t be together in Cardiff for ITIC UK as we originally planned, Team ITIC are looking back on times we’ve enjoyed with you all in the past – and looking forward to the time when we can all meet again.
When that moment comes, we will raise a glass to freedom and to friendship.
Until then, stay safe.