The ITIC Global Provider Network Forum is hosted by industry expert Laura Hilton from Fairmount International. She offered a sneak peek into what attendees can expect from this year’s Forum.
“We are going to start the session with the annual ITIC Global Family Feud/Family Fortunes game – can the Payor Family led by Brad Dance and Susan Yates keep their winning streak alive, or will the Provider Family, with Elizabeth Boultbee at the helm, taste sweet victory in Vienna….
Then, we will have short regional trend updates from Dr Antika on SE Asia and Stephen Gitau on Africa.
The main part of the session with be 3 speakers – the goal for all 3 is to provide attendees a step-by-step tactical way to apply some rather lofty strategic concepts (UCR, Co-creation, Value Based Healthcare) to their business relationships with Provider/Payors.
– Alberto Carson will present a roadmap for developing an International UCR (Usual, Customary and Reasonable) Fee Schedule and will discuss the challenges, especially in the context of Latin America
– José Luis Castellano will discuss how Co-Creation and Supply Chain innovations can transform global medical provider network management
– Joshua Snowden will give his perspective on how providers and payors in our industry can start to leverage Value Based Healthcare principals in their contracting.”

ITIC Global 2024 takes place from 10 – 14 November in Vienna, Austria
Join the largest gathering of travel and health insurance industry professionals and providers